
Monday, March 18, 2013

Gelibolu'ya hala gitmediyseniz...

Bu yazımı Çanakkale Zaferi'nin 98'inci yıl dönümünde canım Ata'm, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ve tüm Şehitlerimiz için yazıyorum.

Biliyorum, büyük çogunluğu  yaratıcı insanlardan oluşan bir toplumuz. Bunun örneklerinden birine de geçtiğimiz yaz Gelibolu'yu ziyarete giderken yolda benzin almak için durduğumuz yerlerden birinde yeniden şahit oldum. Her tarafı kayalık olduğu için bina yapmaya elverişli olmayan bir yerde direklerin tepesine sevimli bir mescit kondurmayı başarmışız. Neyse, konum bu değildi. 

Çanakkale sınırlarına girerken kendimi içimden “Çanakkale içindeee…” türküsünü söylerken buldum. O anda bunun bilinçli yaptığım bir şey olmadığının da farkına vardım ve birden zekanın onlarca tanımından biri aklıma geldi; “Zeka değişen durumlara uyum sağlama yeteneğidir.” diyordu üniversitedeki psikoloji kitaplarımdan birinde. Ben de şehre girerken bilinçsiz de olsa uyum sağlayıvermişim. Bu arada umarım yukarıdaki zekanın anonim bir tanımdır - plagiarism yapmaktan korkuyorum - çünkü bu tanımlamayı şuan kimin yaptığını hatırlayamadım. :D Biliyorum şu anda oturup “Tarihimiz” ile ilgili yazı yazmaya yeltendiğim şu anlarda sadece bundan bahsetmem gerekiyor ama seneler geçmesine rağmen içimdeki sevgili üniversitedeki bölüm başkanımız mutlaka bir yerden fırlayıp geliveriyor. Mesleki İngilizce derslerimizde nasıl makale yazmamız gerektiğini anlatan ve her seferinde dikkat etmediğimiz takdirde başımıza neler gelebileceğini ifade etmeye çalışan bölüm başkanımız nedeniyle senelerdir yazı yazarkenki en büyük korkum plagiarism yapmak oldu. (Böylelikle huzurlarınızda "Plagiariaphobia" kavramını psikoloji literatürüne ekliyorum. :p)

Çanakkale’den vapurla Gelibolu’ya geçerken aklıma hayatım boyunca aldığım tarih eğitimim geldi. Yanlış hatırlamıyorsam ilkokul dördüncü sınıftan beri tarihimizi her sene tekrar tekrar öğrenmeye çalıştım, ülkedeki milyonlarca kişi gibi. Bu durum, yüzlerce tarih ve savaş ismini de sınavı takip eden hafta başarıyla unutmamla sonuçlandı. Bu şekilde bir tarih eğitimi denemesiyle yıllarımı geçirdiğim için çok üzgünüm. Çanakkale Savaşı’nı da kitaplardan birkaç kez okudum ve dinledim. Aklımda bazı isimler kalmış: Conk Bayırı, Gelibolu, Goben, Breslav, Yavuz, Midilli, Seyit Onbaşı. (Acı ama sanırım daha fazla değil. L ) Umarım benden çok daha fazla hatırlayanların sayısı 70 milyondur da ben de biraz kendimi ilgisizlikle suçlayıp haksız çıkarım.

Ziyaretimize geri dönüyorum. Rehberimizle birlikte Alçıtepe’ye girdik, savaşın Güney Cephesi, her metre karesinde birkaç şehidin yattığı yer. Rehberimiz sadece Güney Cephesindeki Şahindere Şehitliğinde kimlikleri tespit edilebilen 1969 şehit olduğunu söyledi. 1900’lü her sayı benim için 20. yy’ı ifade etmiş olduğundan algılamakta zorlandım.  

Alçıtepe’den sonra Şehitlik Abide’mizin yükseldiği yere gittik. Rehberimiz, abidenin yapımına başlandıktan sonra uzun bir süre yarım kaldığını söyledi. Şok!!! Bunun ne demek olduğunu abideyi ziyaret edenler daha iyi anlayacaklardır. Çünkü, abide Çanakkale Boğazı’nın en güzel manzaralı ve geçen yerli yabancı her geminin görmemesinin mümkün olmayacağı kadar açıklık bir yerde. Rehberimiz, abidenin ulusal bir gazetenin ülke içinde başlattığı bir yardım kampanyasıyla halktan para toplayarak bitirildiğini söylüyor. Merak edip sordum çünkü rehberimiz bilinçli olarak belki de reklam yapmak istemediği için söylememişti. “Hangi gazete???” –Milliyet. 

Abidenin etrafında gezinirken Meçhul Asker’in mezarını gördüm. Diğer toplu haldeki tüm mezarlıklardan farklı bir yerde tek başına duruyordu. Mezarın üstünde yazanları okumadan önce içimden geçirdim, acaba kimlikleri savaş esnasında belirlenemeden toprağın altına gönderilen meçhul askerlerden hangisi bu… Sonra da mezarın üstündeki yazıyı merakla okudum. Şöyle yazıyordu: “Çanakkale Savaşları sırasında bir Anzak askeri tarafından Gelibolu Yarımadası’ndan Avustralya’ya götürülen Türk askerine ait kafatası Avustralya hükümetince 10 Mart 2003 günü Türk makamlarına teslim edilmiş ve 18 Mart 2003 günü buraya defnedilmiştir.” Rehberimizin anlattığına göre Anzak askeri savaşta kafası kopmuş Türk askerinin kafatasını çantasında ülkesine götürmüş ve yıllarca evinin çatı katında kimselerin haberi olmadan saklamış. Fakat ölüm döşeğindeyken yakınlarına yıllarca sakladığı sırrı açıklamış ve onlardan kafatasını Türkiye’ye, ait olduğu yere, göndermelerini istemiş.

Geçtiğimiz (2012) yaz önce haberlerde Çanakkale Savaşı esnasında bir İngiliz askerin çantasına koyup ülkesine götürdüğü kaplumbağa hikayesini duymayan kalmamıştır sanırım. Ve şimdi düşünüyorum. Ülkesi dışında başka bir yerde savaşan insanlar ülkelerine geri dönerken neden yalnız dönmek istemediler? Ülkelerinde savaşa dair anılarını, pişmanlıklarını, üzüntülerini paylaşacak ve savaşı yaşamış olan bir nesneye mi sığınmak istediler? Ve en çok da yalnızlıklarını… Bu, ülkelerinden çok uzak bir yerde, o ülkenin insanlarına saldırdıktan ve savaştıktan sonra ve seneler sonra ülkelerinde yaşlanıp can verirken, yanlarına aldıkları nesnelere karşı son görevlerini yerine getirmek arzusu onların, gerçekte yaşadıkları pişmanlıkları ve bir şekilde özürlerini dile getirmeyi seçtikleri yol olabilir mi?

Sanki acının alasını ölen masumlar değil de geride öldürmenin zaferiyle, hayatta kalanlar ömür boyu, vicdanları sayesinde yaşıyor gibi... Şimdi düşünüyorum da, Orta Doğu'da yaşanan katliamlardan zaferle ayrılanları... Paramparça ettikleri vücutlar, bebekler, aileler, yaşamlar, ömür boyu her gün onların peşini bırakmıyorsa, kazandıkları zafer yıllar içinde kendilerini yiyip bitirmişse ve son nefeslerini pişmanlık, aldanmışlık ve kahır içinde veriyorlarsa zafer nedir sorusunun yanıtını en iyi onlar verebilir sanki...

59.408 şehidin kimliğinin belirlenebildiğini söyleyince rehberimiz, o anda sanki tüm beynim durmuştu. O gün dinlediklerimi algılamakta çok zorlanıyordum.

“Ey bu topraklar için toprağa düşmüş asker!
Gökten ecdad inerek öpse o pak alnı değer.
Sana dar gelmeyecek makberi kimler kazsın?
Gömelim gel seni tarihe desem, sığmazsın.”

Gelibolu’ya geldiğinizde bu müzeye uğrayın. Bir zamanlar savaş alanında bulunmuş birçok şeyi göreceksiniz burada. Benim gördüklerim o anlara götürdü beni. Gözlerim dalıp dalıp gitti her seferinde. Acele eden bir tur rehberim olmasaydı orada yarım günümü geçirebilir, ve yazacak sayfalarca şeyim olabilirdi. Zaten buradan ayrılırken bir dahaki gelişimi düşündüm. İnşallah, Gelibolu’ya bir kez daha ve belki bir kez daha gelecektim. Acaba bir dahakinde yanımda kimler olacaktı, savaşa dair hangi yeni olayları dinleyecektim diye düşündüm.   
Çanakkale Savaşı sırasında havada çarpışan mermiler insanı dehşete düşürüyor.

İngiliz asker ayakkabısı / Bir de aşağıdaki Türk askerimizin  ayakkabısına bakın. Yorumsuz...

Türk askerinin çarığı

Morto Koyu bir sonraki duraktı, Fransızların çıkarma yaptıkları yer. Hemen orada bir Fransız mezarlığı da bulunmakta. Gelibolu'ya gittiğinizde gerçekten de koyun koyuna savaşan askerlerin savaştıkları askerlerle koyun koyuna yattığını görebilirsiniz.

Oradan Ertuğrul Koyu’na geçtik. Burası 18 Mart 1915’de dünyanın en büyük birleşik donanmasıyla saldırıp, deniz yoluyla Çanakkale Boğazı’nı geçemeyeceğini anlayan düşmanın deniz destekli kara harekatı yapmaya karar verdiği yer. İtilaf devletleri 25 Nisan 1915 sabahı yarım adanın bu civarındaki beş bölgesine aynı anda çıkarma yapmayı planlamış. Sabahın alaca karanlığında Seddülbahir köyü sahili donanmanın yoğun bombardımanı altında 2000’i aşkın düşman askerinin Albion ve River gemilerinden karaya çıkartma mücadelesine sahne olmuş. İşte o koy… 

Sayıca oldukça üstün olan düşman askerlerine karşı iki günde 10 subay ve 1897 erimizin şehit olduğu koy… Düşman askeri öyle bir bombardımana tutmuş ki burayı, artık bu bölgede yaşayan tek bir bitkinin bile kalmadığına emin olduklarında gemilerinden kayıklara binip sahile gelmeyi planlamışlar. Fakat arkadaşlarının tamamına yakın bir kısmını şehit veren Ezineli Yahya Çavuş ve birkaç arkadaşı düşmanı sahilde durdurmayı başarmış. Düşman askeri sadece sağ tarafta gördüğünüz kumsala kadar gelebilmiş, fakat ilerlemeyi başaramadan geri çekilmek zorunda kalmışlar. Yahya Çavuş burada savunmasını yaptıktan sonra yaralanan bacağını tüfeğinin kayışıyla bağlamış ve Alçıtepe bölgesine çekildikten sonra arkadaşlarıyla burada şehit olmuş.

“Bir kahraman takım ve de Yahya Çavuş’tular
Tam üç alayla burada gönülden vuruştular
Düşman tümen sanırdı bu şaheser erleri
Allahı arzu ettiler, akşama kavuştular.”

Yabancı Bir Askerin Savaş Günlüğünden… Kalbimi Acıtan Bir Savaş Anısı
Yabancı bir askerin savaş günlüğünden bir alıntı savaşan bir Türk askerinin psikolojisini anlamama yardımcı oldu. Türk ve yabancı birlik karşı karşıya çatışıyor, yabancı asker askerimize karşıdan kurşunu sıkıyor, isabet ettirdiğinden emin, fakat askerimiz dimdik ayakta duruyor. Asker şaşırıyor, ayakta sabit duran askerimize bir kurşun daha sıkıyor, isabet ettirdiğinden ise fazlasıyla emin. Ancak askerimiz hala ayakta. Hayretler içinde askerimizin yanına doğru yavaş yavaş ilerliyor ve olanı o anda anlıyor. Askerimiz vurulduğu zaman yere düşmemek için silahını koltuğunun altına alıp dizlerinin üzerinde durmaya çalışıyor. Tekrar tekrar vurulmasına rağmen pozisyonunu bozmuyor. Bunu neden yaptığını anladığımda ise... Askerimiz vurulduktan sonra yere düşse belki ölü sanılıp kurtulabilir, fakat o eğer yere düşerse düşman askerinin daha da ilerleyip geri kalan askerlere saldırmasını, daha çok askerin ölmesini istemiyor ve bütün kurşunların üstüne isabet etmesi için düşman askerinin kendisini canlı sanıp tekrar tekrar kurşun isabet ettirmesini ve ölmeyi tercih ediyor… Göğsünü siper etmek deyimi buradan gelmiş olabilir mi?

Çanakkale Savaşı’ndan bir Anı… Doktor Baba
Savaş alanına yakın ve ağır yaralı askerlerimize acil müdahale etmek için kurulan bir yerde geçen bir olay: Doktor acil bir şekilde apar topar getirilen gazilerimizi çok kısa bir an için inceliyor, eğer kurtarılma umudu varsa müdahale ediyor, yok ise etrafta bulunan bir ağacın gölgesine bırakılmasını istiyor ki askerimiz bari sıcağın altında can çekişerek değil de gölgenin altında can çekişerek hayata gözlerini yumsun diye.
Bir sonraki yaralı topraklar içinde tanınmaz halde. Doktor bakıyor… Hastanın kurtarılma umudu yok, saniyelerini harcamak istemiyor çünkü sırada binlerce yaralı onu bekliyor, ve diyor, “Bir ağaç gölgesinin altına yatırıverin.” O anda yaralı askerimizden bir ses geliyor “Babaa…” Alelacele başka bir yaralı hasta almaya hazırlanan doktor az önce yüzü tanınmaz halde olan ve gölgeye bırakılmak üzere olan can çekişen hastaya bakıyor. Askerin yüzünden topraklar birkaç saniyede temizlenmeye çalışılıyor. Doktorun o anda gördüğü yüz… Bir yabancının yüzü değil… Bir babanın hayatta yaşayabileceği daha büyük bir acı var mıdır? Doktor babanın tepkisini merak ediyor musunuz? Geride bekleyen hastalara bir an baktıktan sonra etrafındakilere dönüyor: “Onu daha koyu bir gölgeye götürebilir misiniz?” Çanakkale Savaşı’nda bir babanın evladı için yapabileceği son görev bu oluyor. Ve geride kalan ve kurtarılabilecek durumda olan yaralılara müdahale etmeye saatlerce devam ediyor. Sabaha karşı dinlenmek için durduğunda ise oğlunu görmek istiyor, oğlunu altına götürdükleri ağaca doğru ilerliyor. Ağacın altının çok önce boşaldığını söylüyorlar.

Bir Anı Daha…
Bir Türk askeri Güney Cephesi’nde bir Fransız’la çatışıyorken Fransız asker vurulup yere düşünce cebinden bir resim çıkartıp bakıyor. Türk asker yanına geldiğinde ise bu tabloya şahit oluyor. Genç Fransız asker cebinden çıkardığı annesinin resmine bakıyor. İşte o anda Türk askeri az önce vurmaya çalıştığı askeri kurtarmaya çalışıyor. Olay yerine gelen Fransız komutan ise durumu öğrenmeye çalışırken askerimiz diyor ki “Evet onu vurdum, ama yanına geldiğimde onu annesinin fotoğrafına bakarken buldum. Benim annem öldü, geri dönsem bile kimsem yok. Ama onun annesi bekliyor, bu yüzden iyileşmesini istedim.” Fransız komutan donakalıyor.

Güney cephesinde olan binlerce hikayeden birkaçını dinledikten sonra arabayla geçtiğim ve o anda dümdüz ova gibi görünen yerlerde savaş anlarını hayal etmeye başladım. Daha Anzakların çatıştığı Kuzey Cephesi’ne gitmeden, Çanakkale Savaşı dendiğinde aklıma birkaç kelimeden çok daha fazlasının silinmemek üzere yazıldığını düşündüm.

Ve son olarak… Ulu Önder, Bilge Lider, Atatürk’ün, Çanakkale Savaşı’nda ülkelerini belki de ne uğruna terk edip ve ne için savaştıklarını bilmeden ellerine silah alan ve ülkemizde can veren “düşman” askerileri için yazdığı ve şimdi abidemizin yakınında hem İngilizce hem de Türkçe olarak yazılı şekilde duran ve Atamızın, topraklarımızda can veren askerlerin ailelerine ithaf ettiği metni paylaşmak istedim. Hangi ülkenin hangi lideri ülkesine düşmanca saldıran ve ölen düşman askeri için böyle bir yazı yazmıştır bilemiyorum… Ve bu, bana Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün, Maslow’un İhtiyaçlar Hiyerarşisi’nin en tepesine erişmiş olan “Kendini Gerçekleştirmiş İnsan”a verebileceğim en iyi örnek olduğuna inandırıyor. Ve canım Atam düşman askerinin geride kalan yakınlarının yüreğine bir nebze su serpebilme niyetiyle aşağıdaki yazıyı yazmıştır.

Bu memleketin toprakları üstünde kanlarını döken kahramanlar!
Burada dost bir vatanın toprağındasınız.
Huzur ve sükun içinde uyuyunuz.
Sizler Mehmetçiklerle yan yana koyun koyunasınız. 
Uzak diyarlardan evlatlarını harbe gönderen analar!
Göz yaşlarınızı dindiriniz.
Evlatlarınız bizim bağrımızdadır.
Huzur içindedirler ve huzur içinde rahat rahat uyuyacaklardır.
Onlar, bu toprakta canlarını verdikten sonra artık bizim evlatlarımız olmuşlardır.
                                                                          M.K. Atatürk


G. Nur Bilek

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Interview: The Turk Who Writes Greek

Very Dear Friends and Family,

As most of you already know, 2013 started with a great news which was published at Greek NEWS 247 with the title "The Turkish Woman Who Insists to Write Greek". This was the interview the Greek journalist, Stefanos Nikitas, -who read my blog which I had tried to writte in Greek,- had with me.  If you already can speak Greek and have not read the interview yet you can Click Here to read it. However, for who can not read Greek, here is the interview in English. 

I don't want to talk too much now, so, to make long story short, now you will read about an interview of a Turk who insists to learn Greek, and who does believe in the power of Love.

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Interview: The Turkish Woman Who Insists to Write Greek

G. Nur Bilek spoke to the NEWS 247 and sent a message of friendship and peace to Greeks. How her love to the language led her to learn to write Greek...

Nur Bilek was 7 years old when she got memorized the Greek Alphabeth in Izmir, where she grew up and went to school. After having graduated from the department of Psychology at the University in Bursa, now she learns Greek, the language she loved since childhood, at the Greek Consulate in Istanbul. 

We have been informed about her blog with a tweet. You can find her blog post in Greeklish Here!

Her effort is great. Despite the Greeklish, and spelling errors, Nur shows how much she loves the language, music, and the culture. 

She agreed to answer the questions of NEWS 247 saying how she feels honoured and pleased to speak on the Greek-Turkish relations. Through her responses she sends the message that nothing separates the two peoples.

Stefanos Nikitas: Where did you learn Greek and why did you choose to learn this difficult language?

G. Nur Bilek: I started to learn Greek at the Greek Consulate in Istanbul as they give Greek lessons by Greek teachers. So a big thanks should go to the previous Greek Counsul General for founding this language school, and to the current Counsul General for supporting the lessons so far. - Well, I still don't know why but I memorized the Greek Alphabeth when I was 7 (as I also mentioned on my blog). I'm still wondering the reason why and if living in Izmir had an effect on my will to learn Greek, as I grew up in Izmir. - The funny thing is that from the very first moment I started to learn Greek, many people -including even some Greeks- always asked me "Why do you learn Greek, they're in crisis?!" though you never hear this question if you attempt to learn English or Spanish, Russian, Chinese, even French or Italian. Maybe I had to repeat the same answer again and again and I said "Really, don't know, I just follow my heart." It's something like my "inner call" says me I should do that, and that's it!
 ... ... ... ...

SN: You graduated from psycology. What are your professional plans? Will you like one day to work in Greece and why?

NB: Graduating from psychology was the only area I wanted to graduate from, and thankfully, I did it. I started my university studies in Turkey, and later on I went to study in Torino (Italy) with Erasmus Scholarship. - After so many serious education, and international work experience, I am also a professional career coach. Besides, I am about to start a new business will allow me to manage national and international projects. I always worked internationally which gave me a lot of insight, and shaped my view and perception for the world and myself. And I am planning to work always internationally, as I feel myself a global citizen. In my 2013 plans, there are many travels to Greece for both leisure and business trips, hopefully. We say here "Insallah (if God lets me do it)" and Greeks says "πρωτα ο Θεος". I would be "always" very happy to work with Greece and Greek friends, whether it is developing a business or friendship. And if I could work for developing the heart to heart links for both countries, then I will count myself as the happiest person of the world at the end of of 2013 (Related to developing the emotional, cultural, and friendship connection between our countries, if a proposal comes from the Greek side I would be more than happy to work with our Greek friends). As I mentioned before, I have also some plans to develop business between Turkey and Greece within 2013, and hoping to develop them successfully by the end of 2013. 
 ... ... ... ...

SN: What is your opinion about Greek people? 

NB: I feel myself so close to the Greek people. As you may heard it before maybe so many times, the two people are incredibly similar to each other. Our mentalities, cultures, appearences (you may not distinguish the difference between a Turkish and a Greek person, apperantly), emotions, the things we laugh for or cry for are so similar, even sometimes the same. Maybe that is why Turkish TV series are so popular and touches Greek people's heart. - Another thing, we had the same painful experiences in the past. I believe that Greeks and the Turks were the best neighbours and created the best neighbourhoods in the past in both sides of the Aegean Sea. They visited their houses maybe 3 times a day, they cooked the same foods, so that is why we have extremely many common words which are especially home-related ones; they sat in the streets to chat and in the cafes for long converstions everyday, and the most important thing is they were the first neighbours when it came to help eachother, and created unforgettable memories. And finally they fell in love with each other. But, one day something happened and unfortunately two people had to seperate which was extremely painful for each people. And that time they had some other thing in common: being have to leave each other, knowing that they would never see each other again. So we shared the same country and the same culture which almost made us "one". How come and two people don't love each other! If there is a person who claims that s/he doesn't like the other country's people, it's like swearing at oneself.
 ... ... ... ...

SN: What do you think about the Greek economic crises? What do Turkish people say about that?

NB: Well, I would like to provide you and answer from two different perspectives. From developmental and social psychological point of view; everything has a reason behind, and when it comes to the crisis in Greece what we all need to do is to be able to see the real reasons behind. Sometimes it may be found very easily by many people, but most of the time we all need to be a bit wiser to understand as the reality or the reason may not be as what it seems. I, personally, believe that the crisis in Greece is not a matter of money, but a matter of attitude toward life. I know that in Greece, so many people have some other people to blame (as a result of cultural tendency- don't worry, we have the same attitude, I told you how similar we are) and those who are blamed also have some others to blame, and it goes on like this... Untill a wiser and braver "leader" appears. If we really want to know the real reasons that caused the crise we should all go back to our childhood to remember one of our common memories. When we were small kids, whenever "WE" hit our legs or head to the corner of table, one of our parents came and hit the table back to punish the poor innocent table several times till we stopped crying. And it always happened like that. Therefore we "learned" that we never do mistake, but the others. Though it seems as a childhood memory, it has become an attitute towards life for us, and we learned to blame anyone but ourselves. As the fact that in life, everything has a circle, I'm aware of that the crisis in Greece is a part of circle, too, which means that after dark days, soon, the bright days will come. The circles are real, therefore the enlightment is always inevitable.

On the other hand, the Greek economic crisis can be described by both the perspective of the Turkish business community and that of the general people as a whole. From the first perspective it can be surmised that Greece has seen in the last twenty years substantial public sector spending and an immediate example can be the billions of euros that were spent in hosting the Olympics and the huge expenditure that resulted in putting together the infrastructure. Was Greece able to get its investment back and indeed, was the infrastructure able to create revenues after the Olympics were completed? In addition, huge funds have been expended on other infrastructure related investments and all this has to be met by the Greek taxpayer. Huge borrowings from the EU have lead to immense budget deficits and Greece cannot rely solely upon its tourism receipts, which though substantial do not cover the public sector borrowing as well as interest payments to EU loans. It can be assumed also that the EU appears to have abandoned Greece. In a recent comment by a French politician, it was said that Greece is 'not really a part of Europe but more a part of the East'. These are fundamentally important comments which give rise to much of the sentiment felt by many people who believe that the EU has left Greece "on its own". This can also be characterised by much of what is being said by many in Europe and Germany's stance is one that is not to be considered sincere. The Greek culture is very similar to that of Turkey but one of the main issues is that Greece has not invested in industry, be it hi-tech or conventional manufacturing. The Greek government has not incentivised the business community in any substantial way and thus Greece has not been able to develop to a high level its ability to produce goods and increase value added export sales.

From the perspective of the normal man in Turkey, I think he feels that Greece has been abandoned by its European partners and that it will need to stand alone and seek help from neighbours both from a economic perspective and from a political perspective. Turkey recently waived from immediate a $300million dollar payment due to its exchequer from Greece. Turkey's friendship towards Greece is sincere and rooted in a relationship that could prove to be fruitful in the future and many people believe this in Turkey.
 ... ... ... ...

SN: I read in your blog that you visited Thesaloniki. How was the hospitality? Did you visit other cities? What is your opinion about Greek people?

NB: Well, this is the best part of the interview for me. My visit to Thessaloniki was one of the best memories in my life though it was only a two day trip. My only aim was to walk on the streets, walk in the shops randomly, and talk to the people as much as I could, but in Greek. When I went to Thessaloniki my Greek was much poorer than I have now and I knew I spoke like Tarzan... I stopped by many shops, libraries, restaurants... And you have no idea how much hospitable Thessaloniki people were to me so that they made me feel like home. Everytime I explained that I came from Istanbul, I saw their eyes shining with a great, sincere smile. I could see their happiness from their eyes, body language and their attutude towards me. A salesperson gave me a map of Thessaloniki as a gift. And the hotel I stayed has such a beautiful location and sea view from the terrace which I had amazing breakfasts with delicious cookies were particular to Thessaloniki. And I can't forget the 1,5 hour I spent in the bookshop which was by the sea, how much I struggled to find some very basic-level books I could understand. - And obviously, Thessaloniki looked like my hometown, Izmir, so much. With its coast and many bars and restaurants along the coast of Thessaloniki it so much reminded me the coasts of Izmir.  

The interesting thing is that Thessaloniki has been the only place I have been so far in Greece. So, it all means that I had loved a country even before I went there. However, as I mentioned before I am planning to have many trips to Greece for 2013 including Athens, Corfu, and Halkidiki, and some other islands; and hopefully one of them will be to listen to Marios Frangoulis again whom I wrote and dedicated one of my blog post himself 1,5 years ago right after I listened to him lively in Istanbul. He is a person I do appreciate firstly his "personality", and then his voice and music. One of my biiggest wishes is to meet him someday and know him personally. You can Click Here to read the blog post I wrote for about Mario Frangoulis. 
 ... ... ... ...

SN: Do you think that the “war” between our conties is political or something else?

NB: What war!? Let's go to steet and ask people randomly how they were treated during their visit to Turkey. I told mine already above. The so called 'animosity' that has historically existed between the Greek and Turkish peoples is very much a political manifestation and sadly many people have been brainwashed into believing that there are great differences between the two nations. Greeks and Turks have lived side by side for generations (and still do) in both Turkey and Greece alike though today not with the same numbers. As people, Greeks and Turks get on very well with each other, the huge cultural similarities, the food, to a large extent the music and in many ways the social morality is very similar. over time, governments with interests in Greece have used Greece and its geo-political positioning and forged incorrect ideas in the minds of people and thus these so called 'animosities' have evolved. When Turks travel to Greece they are treated with great respect and vice versa.

I have never seen two nations which love each other sincerely that much. Any blame that lies for the creation of possible bad feelings lies largely at a political level but in modernity, I think both Greeks and Turks now know the real feelings of warmth they have for each other. We can not let our friendship to be damaged by unfortunate statements of some politicians. As the rest of the people in Turkey I grew up with a great saying "Peace at home, peace in the world." which we inherited from Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the sayings of the wise philosopher, poet, Mevlana Rumi. From both two views we have been always taught that Turkey always will try to do its best to save the "Peace". From Greece or Turkey, we may see some people still have "animosity". Personally, I treat all these people with love. And I have never, ever come back home without his/her love and respect. We should never forget that "love" which may be the reason of the universe is above all. Just like Sophocles said, "Love Conquers War". Finally, I would like to summary the whole text with an old Sufi poem:

"Come, let us be friends for once; let us make life easy on us; let us be lovers and the loved ones; the earth shall be left to no one."

With my very best wishes & Thank you,

G. Nur Bilek

Monday, December 24, 2012

Δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω ότι μπορώ να γράψω στα ελληνικά!!!

Καλημερα αγαπητοι φιλοι μου,

 Η βεραντα του ξενοδοχειου
Ξερω οτι θα νομιζετε οτι ειμαι πολυ ηλιθια οταν διαβαζετε αυτο το μπλογ μου. Αλλα ο μονο way να improve τα ελληνικα μου ειναι να γραψω στα ελληνικα. Ειστε free vα γελαζετε.

Δεω ηθελα καποια βοιθεια απο τουσελληνες φιλοι μοθ γιατι η πρωτη φορα στη ζωι μου δεν θα προσπαθησω να ειμαι perfect! Δεω ειναι πολυ δυσκολο για μενα αλλα θα το κανω αυτη τη φορα. Believe me ειναι πολυ enjoyable! Πρεπει να προσπαθετε.

Θα γραψω μερικα ηλιθια πραγματα εδω που εσεις δεν θα interested in και εσεις θα διαβασετε και γελασετε... Αλλα ειμαι πολυ χαρουμενη αω εσεις get back to me και encourage me a bit more.

Καποιοι φιλοι ξερουν ηδη αλλα yet θελω να πω οτι παιρνω μαθηματα ελληνικων για more than ενα χρονο στο ελλινικον προξενειο στην Istanbul.

Θυμαμαι οτι εγω memorized το ελλινικο αλφαβητο οταν ημουν 7. Still, δεν ξερω γιατι, αλλα εκανα. Εζεισα στην Izmir οταν ημουν 7, τωρα μενω στην Istanbul.

Ειμαι ψυχολογος και career coach και more than this αλλα δεω θελω να μιλησω για τα identities μου τωρα.

Το σπίτι του Ατατούρκ
Μου αρεσει ελληνικι γλοσσα γιατι μου αρεσουν πολυ ελληνικα τραγουδια παρα πολυ και τα ελληνικα νησια παρα πολυ. Μου αρεσε παντα πριν πηγα στην Ελλαδα.

Πηγα στη Θεσσαλονικη που looks like πατριδα μου, Izmir. Θεσσαλονικη ειναι πολυ ομορφη. In fact δεν πηγα εκει για ιστορικα buildings η δεν ηταν ενα business ταξιδι.

Ολοι ηταν τοσο γιλικο και ενιωσα τοσο ευτυχισμενη εκει. Ειμανα στο ξενοδοχειο Elektra Palace. Μου αρεσε πολυ βεραντα του ξενοδοχειου. Το προινω στην βεραντα ηταν καταπληκτικο. I'm παρα πολυ looking forward to going back εκει συντομα.

Επισκεφθηκα το σπιτι του Atatürk που ειναι σε μια ομορφη περιοχη.

Υπαρχει μια καταπληκτικη (ironic but true) ιστορικη dungeon  κατω απο την εκκλησια

Μετα, επισκεφθηκα μια ομορφη ιστορικη εκκλησια πολυ κοντα στο σπιτι του Ατατουρκ. Ξεχασα το ονομα της εκκλησιας.

Μετα. πηγα σε ενα καταστημα βιβλιο κοντα στη θαλασσα και περασα 1,5 ωρες εκει. Μου αρεσει πολυ βιβλιοπολειο.

Εφαγα σε μια ταβερωα, νομιζω οτι το ονομα του ηταν Βοσπορο.

Μου αρεσει να ταξιδευω μονη μου επειδη γνωριζω new people και νεα culture. 

Εγω promise the next φορα θα εχω καλυτερα ελληνικα αλλα δεν θελω να περιμενουν πολυ καιρο για αυτο.

Σας ευχαριστω πολυ για reading το μλογ μου και για τα μηνυματα σας,

Με πολυ best wishes μου απο την Ιστανμπουλ...

G. Nur Bilek
(Γ. Νουρ Μπιλεκ)

            Click Here to see my related blog post about Marios Frangoulis 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Psychological Defense Mechanism: PROJECTION!

Have you ever known a person who has a strong dislike one of his friends and believes that his friend hates him instead? 

(Well, take your time and think about this for a while...)

Now the question is: Have you ever felt this way before?

Ok, no worries... No one will blame you for what you've felt before; it's just normal. This was only "Projection" which is one of the defense mechanisms according to the Freudian Psychoanalitic Theory (an unconscious psychological strategy which helps us to cope with the reality and maintain self-image)

Today I wanted to write about this subject as I always found it as one of the most interesting subjects of Psychology. 

"A Psychology degree was the only thing I have ever wanted to have as it was a perfect fit and very intellectually fulfilling for me. So, I am so happy I could be able to achieve one of my biggest goals in my life. However, I must confess that studying Psychology was quite challenging as it makes you to face the things inside that you were not aware of before, which have been in the unconscious part since the very early stage of your life.
If you are already a Psychology student... Welcome to an unusual journey to face the reality which might be a biting experience will last for a lifetime.. And once you step into the world of Psychology there's no turning back."
G. Nur Bilek

Let's go back to understand the nature of our defence mechanisms: A good news is normally a healty person use different defence mechanisms throughout life. It only becomes pathological when we use them persistently and our physical and/or mental health is adversely affected.

So, the question is: WHY do we use a defense mechanism? Well, the answer is very simple:

a) According to Freudian approach we all have Id, Ego and, Superego, the parts that make up a person's personality. Really, I don't wanna use psychological jargon when speaking to people who may not be familiar with psychological terms. So, let me make it clear for you. In a nutshell,

  • The id seeks to fulfill all needs and impulses, obeys the pleasure principle: "Pleasure is good and – nothing else matters" while...
  • The superego tries to get the ego to act in an idealistic and moral manner.
  • And suddenly our ego arises and tries to cope with the conflicting demands of the id and the superego.

Freud's Iceberg Freud explained these concepts by comparing the human mind to a cleverly illustrated iceberg which has three parts.

Are you curious about how Freud called these concepts in his own language? Here are the original versions of the id, ego, and the superego.

The id (in German)
The ego (in German)
Überich -over I-         
The superego (in German)

Well, let's try to understand this. Superego is the component of the personality composed of our internalized behaviours that we have acquired from our parents and society while id represents our impulses, a selfish, childish, and pleasure-oriented part of the personality with no ability to delay gratification. Superego is our moral standards which tries to suppress the urges of the id and tries to make the ego behave morally, rahter than realistically. The id is without valuesethics and logic. Can you imagine the possible conflicts between the id and the superego?

So, what does ego do? Ego is the rational part that meditates immediate impulses of the id and the pressure from the superego. It delays immediate gratification till an appropriate time.

1.     Conscious: The visible part of the iceberg is the conscious part which is small. This is the part of the mind that hold what you are aware of.

2.     Preconscious: This is the ordinary memory. Though things stored here aren't in the conscious they can be readily brought in the conscious.

3.     Unconscious: Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict. According to Freud, the unconscious continues to influence our behavior and experience, even though we are unaware of these underlying influences.

b) Ego is the moderator between the id and superego which seeks compromises to pacify both. What happens when the ego cannot cope with the demands of the id and the superego? According to Freud anxiety, an unpleasant inner state that people avoid, arises and it acts as a signal for us that things are not going right!


The word "Ego" comes from εγώ in Greek which means "I"

So let's go back to the example of the two friends above. I want to illustriate if for you! (Why I gave this example is a very close friend of mine is terribly annoyed by her colleague's (Mrs X) bahaviors towards her. Mrs X have a tendency to wear whatever my friend wears, and...

You feel actually jelaous of your X friend. (this feeling's source is id)
Then your superego says that you have a value, "jealousy" is a "bad", immature feeling to be resisted.
Your ego tries to cope with what the id feels and what the superego thinks. If it cannot... Projection may happen! And you believe that X friend is jealous of you...

What is PROJECTION? If a person has uncomfortable thoughts or feelings they may project it onto other people. In other words, projection is attributing your own unacceptable impulses to someone else. The impulses are still judged unacceptable but they belong to someone else, not you :)

Well, think about it again... Have you ever felt this way? No, you didn't? According to Freaudian Theory you probably did it many times which you have never been aware of as it happens in the unconscious part of your mind, somewhere deep, very deep and outside of your awareness...

Racism is bad, right? This is what we are taught and socially unacceptable. If you have racist ideas while believing racism is socially undesirable you may feel that a friend is racist, projecting your own racism onto the other person.

* Projection can take a range of forms. Do you wonder how projection influences our decision making or purchasing decisions? Or it's better to ask "Did you have any difficulty when shopping for winter clothing in June?" Well, I think I can hear what you say :) Yes, always! We have a tendency to assume that our mental state will will remain consistent in the future, even though we are aware of winter will come soon!

* Psychological projection can be very important in interpersonal relationships, especially before attributing thoughts or ideas to someone else. Maybe it's better to try to analyze our own thoughts and beliefs before attributing a bad thought to others. Maybe the thoughts we dislike is seen in ourself.

Do you have friends who does not trust anyone in his/her life? (Hope this is not a very close friend or boyfriend/girlfriend or supouse!) It's highly recommended to be on the safe side. There's a possibility of s/he does trust himself/herself and all s/he does it attributing what s/he feels to the other people around.

* An unfaithful husband may suspect his wife of infidelity.

* A chronically liar friend may suspect you of lying him/her.

Before judging people's thought towards us or the world, I think it's better to seek out more reliable sources on what someone else thinking. I know that's not easy, sometimes seems impossible, but studying psychology's taught us to trust in psychology science, hasn't it?

Well, I know I wanna talk too much when it's psychology as it seems to me an endless ocean and there's still an ocean left.

Finally, I'd be very happy if you share your thoughts, ideas and experiences with me!

"We are effectively cognitive icebergs with most of our 'thoughts' occurring below the water line."  
S. Freud

With my very best wishes,

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Colleague Did a Great Job!!!

Yes she did! Making me feel so proud of working in the same organization with her. And a question arised... Have you ever thought about the feeling of being proud of colleagues may increase the organizational commitment among employees? Maybe we should study on it? Though I studied on "Organizational commitment in cross-cultural environments" at university, I never mentioned about how a colleague could increase the motivation in a team. Wow!!! I just discovered a new thing! I love when my humble effort to arise my awareness to what is happening in the world or to discover the nature of  human being. Ohh, I think I should go back to my academic life again! (Uff, too much talking for an introductory part) 

I was at Indigo friday night to see the amazing Flamenco Show of Ángel Muñoz. Though this was not my first flamenco experience (anybody remembers the fantastic show at Sabanci University last year?) I must confess that Ángel has made the only show that hypnotise the audience. 
You may ask that how I will associate a fantastic flamenco show with my colleague's success... So, here's the story. 

Last week I was in a meeting of the new magazine we will publish and there was so much brain storming (I definitely love it as it does help you to know about your colleagues like nothing else can!). I highly recommend it if you have not tried it yet! I found out that the marketing manager, Tuğba, danced flamenco, and she knew about my high interest to dance during the meeting. And I was with an invitation for Ángel Muñoz's Dance Show in my hand at the end of the meeting. :) 

Right after the meeting she told me about what she was working on lately which was impressed me a lot and made me write to share what I heard about. She is the founder of the website which you can hear about on TV programs recently. Let me explain some about the precious project. Basicly,

1) You take the photos of the roads, pavements, and all the constructions in public area that make inconvenience to the people with physical disabilities in public area. 
I choose this photo as it has reminded me
my childhood in my grandparents' farm

2) Why do we do that? Because, if you take the photos of buildings and places that make inconvenience to the people with disabilities and load to the website (indicating the address on the google map), they will be fixed as soon as possible as the Burada Engellendim" project is continuously followed and officially suported by authorized people at the Metropolitan Municipalities.

3) When the inacurate construction is fixed "This is Fixed" note will be seen on the photo! :) That's it all!
I am aware of the parking problem in Istanbul...
but now I am also aware of  the difficulties disabled people face :(
Shall we be sensitive to disables before we have a disabled relative?

Special thanks to dear Tugba for all her efforts in creating page and doing her best to announce it! (And I think I should not forget Ángel's super show too!

With my very best wishes & Have a great week all!
