
Monday, November 29, 2010

This video rocked US!!!: Double Rainbow

Have you watched "double rainbow" video yet? If not, just google it or click here and watch if you are not able to watch it from the link below:

IMPORTANT: Please watch it twice!!! You know what? Because, while you are watching it second time you are totally focusing on a different thing of his reaction. At least I did so.

Now I assume you already watched it.

1) Why this man cried when he saw the double rainbow?

2) What would you do if you saw a double rainbow?

3) What did you feel when you watched the video?

I have to tell that his reaction to the double rainbow impressed me really a lot! For me, it's kind of miracle and a visual show God presented us as a gift. NOW! Imagine yourself: Would you get surprised and  react to a double rainbow just like this man??? .... (thinking process)

Well, why wouldn't you? Could it be because we almost all are about to loose our pure nature we had when we were a child and become so unreactive even to an awesome natural visual show? What's happening to us and we are becoming so unreactive to the miracles we see everyday?

Is it challenging city life or horrible rush hours in the way back home or our financial problems or a very heartbreaking, our sad sad love story that change our mood totally into negative???

I don't wanna keep this unreactiveness anymore.. I don't wanna be one of the crowd. I don't want my heartbreaking story to prevent me from praying and mentioning God's name.  

I WANT TO OPEN MY EYES... I WANT TO SAY "THANK YOU" EVERY SINGLE MOMENT IN THE REST OF MY LIFE FOR ALL GOD GIVES ME. and I AM VERY THANKFUL FOR MY DEAR FRIENDS who have supported me a lot since I started to write my blog... Thank you dear Resul, Dave, Ebru, Rebecca and Sara :)

NOW... :) A very special thanks to very dear Sara, Jason and their beautiful doughter Madeline, handsome son Alex and my little Romeo Benjamin for showing us "Double Rainbow" video and singing it's awesome song together and making our day!

I love you all...


Friday, November 26, 2010

Oh I'm so excited!!!

(Oh I'm breaking fresh ground in my life!!! This is what I have always wanted for many years, finally I'm achieving it!)

My dear friend, dost or a visiter wishes a new life,

Thank you for coming and visiting me. With you, I'll feel not alone, so sharing here will courage me more.

What you are gonna see will be many interesting and real stories of me that you'll be inspired by. (I wish the same for me when I sometimes feel a looser)

Why do I write? As long as I lived so far, I noticed something incredibly weird that is human being "forget" even who s/he is.
So... I'm gonna write to remind myself the things I sometimes forget...

Moreover, in my culture people so often forget to enjoy and have fun in their life. I wanna enjoy and see you enjoy from the life you live.

Finally, I'm not a person who knows everything and as you will see I'll never claim&proof something's true or not.. We're now here to (be) inspire(d) and from the anything we're gonna share :)

Never hesitate to give me feedback that will courage us more to share... :)

Thank you very much for being with me...

Love you!
